From: Ryan Cox []
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 9:26 PM
To: ICE Shannon
Cc:; Grandma Fran; Mom; Smallwood, Raleigh; Myers, Richelle; Williams, Dave; Quinn, Ryan; Garber, Bobby; Kaczocha, Paul; Sliwa, Ed; Crofton, Lonnie; Beck, John; Frasure, Ron
Subject: RE: What the HELL's wrong???
To whomever has circulated this:
Unfortunate that we are still buying into this hate-mongering radical propaganda. Some of the struggling people in this country don't know where to look for help. And media outlets like Fox News prey on these poor misinformed/unfer-informed folks.
We as a nation and "religious organizations" send aid to those who are trying to claw their way to their next meal. As for the struggling in our own nation, we have many social programs available for those willing to seek it.
I shamefully admit that I used to buy into this garbage, but truth of the matter with illegal aliens, is that they are willing to work. Sure, some get involved in street gangs and crime (which was already here upon their arrival - its nothing new), but the vast majority want employment and education.
Since some Americans in this nation are happy with soaking up unemployment benefits, why not help those who are willing to work, maybe it will wake up some of the others. Nah, too many of the others are going to tea-party rallies in support of the top 5% richest's political agendas - while cashing their unemployment checks to pay their way, which we the WORKING CLASS are footing the bill for.
The wealthiest coveters of the world essentially have a mob of lobbyists, free of charge, called the tea party. Combined - hard work, labor, fair wages and benefits are the solution to our problems; not false tea party doctrine which includes tax-cuts for the rich and hate toward other races and religions. For this reason, I support the recently tabled, Dream Act. Some of us have proved that we'd rather buy into hate, conspiracies, and radical-right fear campaigns, than work toward progressive change. If we won't go to work any more, if we won't support the labor movement, if we won't help secure social security, if we won't support healthcare reform, if we won't even support our president, let's help those who WILL.
Am I radical? Fox News says yes, but its just something called rationality. You can ask my wife, I watched Fox News for two years straight, including the Glenn Beck program. I know their doctrine well, and its not a good message, nor is it a patriotic one, nor a Christian one that Beck would have you to believe. I'm here to tell you, Fox is here ONLY to be a mouthpiece for the world's wealthiest. The ones whom they represent - not to mention, owned by - are the ones that put us in the mess we're in... Not only put us here, but raked in billions in the process. But they'd have you to believe that its your fault and labor unions and their benefits are all to blame. They want to demonize pensions, fair wages, and the right to organize. They don't think that me and others who work in steel mills, automobile factories, and building trades should be rewarded for performing our dangerous jobs each day. Union brothers & sisters die at their workplaces and its usually an ugly death, nothing poetic or heroic about it. As the family of my fellow union brother and coworker, Jason Ham, recently found out when he was crushed to death at Arcelor Mittal's Indiana Harbor plant. Fox News doesn't care about Jason, or his children he left behind. So, they certainly don't care about the rest of us still living. Fox would be more inclined to criticize any settlement Arcelor Mittal would be forced to pay to Jason's family. Saying that its unfair for corporations to have to pay for an employee's wrongful death.
Fox News also would rather support the small business owner that pays his employees $10 per hour with NO BENEFITS, and of course no real career opportunity and no retirement. That business owner is advocating poverty, he is not affording his workforce the opportunity of the American Dream. He is a detriment to society, bearing a negative economic impact, and is to share the blame. If a business owner can't pay what is fair, he needs to close shop and work for someone who can. This would advocate a larger, better trained union workforce. And would help us move toward eliminating "junk businesses" and afford more of us real careers and a living we can be proud of. And most importantly, one we would be proud to watch our children follow in our footsteps.
I guess I've shared enough commentary. And it is just my personal opinion. If I've offended any tea-baggers, sorry, but it is my 1st Amendment right. And if you have a problem with it, I exercise my 2nd Amendment right as well. Haha, just kidding, but not really. I just encourage everyone to research the facts for yourselves. Remember, as an American and Christian, we need to support and PRAY for our president, not PREY on him/her. That's true patriotism. But if you want a better life and stronger economy for EVERYONE, work union and support the candidates who agree.
Ryan Cox
Member USWA Local 6787
Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
From: shannon cox <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 6:27 PM
To: ryan
Subject: Fw: What the HELL's wrong???
----- Original Message -----
From:George Reed
To: jaime and jim cole ; Ann Zim ; Don and Saundra Cox ; John Sim Ball ; denice ball ; Bruno ; Dan Sebben ; Shannon Cox ; Dave ; Dorothy ; Denis Ott ; Fran Jackson ; George Reed 3 ; Jack ; Paul Sanderval ; Scott Shafer
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2010 1:06 PM
Subject: FW: What the HELL's wrong???
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